Email: therainshed@gmail.com

General outerwear, sportswear, cloves and accessoires.
Retains insulating ability in damp conditions. Fibers absorb less than 1% by weight of water. Easily dried.
65% Olefin/35 Polyesster - Scrim is 100% Olefin
CS: One scrim - construction guidelines allow up to 12" x 18" panels or quilting in widths of 4" - 10".
CDS: Dual scrim - prequilted in 6" widths, allowing insulation to be free hung of edge stabilized. Check before using light colored shell fabrics to determine if quilting lines show through.
No quantity discount on insulation.
Retains insulating ability in damp conditions. Fibers absorb less than 1% by weight of water. Easily dried.
65% Olefin/35 Polyesster - Scrim is 100% Olefin
CS: One scrim - construction guidelines allow up to 12" x 18" panels or quilting in widths of 4" - 10".
CDS: Dual scrim - prequilted in 6" widths, allowing insulation to be free hung of edge stabilized. Check before using light colored shell fabrics to determine if quilting lines show through.
No quantity discount on insulation.
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